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    sims 2 freetime free download

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    Pimsleur marketing needs to be more clear about what they mean. Are they saying that you only need 30 minutes of language time overall or 30 minutes of lesson time? Kate yoak. You really went far in this review, listened to it in several languages and even read the book. That’s impressive. Did you find this interesting, useful or encouraging? A quick share on Facebook or Twitter will make my day! Thanks. With regards to the cost and what you could buy instead, I would answer in this way: • “Get approximately 50 personalized, one-on-one lessons with native speakers on italki.” After 50 personalized lessons perhaps you would only be about half way through the same benefits as Pimsleur. • “Buy a cheaper, similar audio-based product such as Earworms MBT or Glossika and save the rest of your money.” Yes, you would save some of your money, but would you reach the same level of fluency as you would with Pimsleur and in the same amount of time? • “Buy a more middle-ranged, quality product like Rocket Languages.” Again – Fluency per unit time. Perhaps use Rocket Languages WITH Pimsleur. • “If you’re in the US or Australia you could put the money toward an actual trip…(in the case of the $1,190 CD version you could probably buy a whole overseas trip).” Yep, and come back less fluent than using Pimsleur by itself. And while you’re learning from Pimsleur, you could save up your lunch money for the trip you know you’re going to have to take (and as a reward to yourself for all your hard work) when you complete the series. And I would further define “complete the series” as being multiple passes through until you can complete each 30-lesson level in just 30 days with at least 90% correct. That should be about 18 months to 2 years. • “If you live in Europe that kind of money would easily pay for a low-budget airline trip + hostel + food for a couple of weeks to another European destination.” Great trip; terrible benefit for learning the language. I think I want to learn the language and take the then highly beneficial 2-week trip later so I can practice on real people. • “That money could feed you and pay your accommodation for months in the Mid East and many parts of Asia to learn the local language.” Okay, he’s got me. But I’m not personally interested in learning a Mid Eastern or Asian language…, yet. Thanks for your input. So instead of playing a word to get you to remember it, the audio series asks you how to say something or to respond to a native speaker. I tried my hand at several languages and several different methods to learn them. I prefer the kind that has you listening and repeating since it is much faster than learning to write a new language (and in some cases an entire alphabet) at the same time. Christopher. Also, what do you even mean by “there are many sounds in Greek that are difficult to understand”? Do you instead mean “… difficult to hear”? If anything, Greek should be easy because half their vowel sounds are just the iota sound “ee”! As I’ve already said, Pimleur is purely audio-based. Er… Only if he’s asking a woman if she wants a drink at his place… Or… Er… Never mind! In other words, just listening or reading at spaced intervals. Donovan Nagel. For example, French 1 – 5 (CD version) is currently selling for $1,190 (. ) on the Simon and Schuster site or $550 if you take the MP3 version which is still very expensive. But hey, if you’ve got the cash and you’re cool with spending it then Pimsleur is an excellent product. Peter Doobes. I think that pimsleur’s failure to provide a transcript and or at least a vocabulary list with interpretations is a very serious flaw and undermines the usefulness of the program. I am studying GREEK and the transcript is essential for understanding the pronunciation of many words. I end up having to use an interpreter or G/E dictionary which costs much time. I am also a visual learner. There is no reason for them not to provide, even at a cost that I think thousands of people would pay and they could profit by. Personally I discourage all from using this program. As I said in my Rosetta Stone review, nearly all of the search results that you’ll find online for Pimsleur are totally suspect because they’re either motivated solely by commission rates for selling it or trying to deceive you into buying something else by dismissing it. Before we go any further, pay careful attention to this. Some (but not all) language editions sound very unnatural. It is a great addition to studying Spanish other ways. Exceptional to just listen and answer with no writing or reading. The difference between Rosetta Stone and Pimsleur though is that Rosetta Stone makes the absurd mistake of having older people address younger people and people who are friends and family addressing each other using polite forms (which is almost always not the case in reality speaking from experience living in these places). Susan. Donovan Nagel. Rebecca Ifland. One common criticism of the Pimsleur Method™ is that it doesn’t teach enough vocabulary. IcantwriteHebrewyet. I was going to say that I got all five levels of Pimsleur Latin American Spanish CDs from my local library. So I got the whole course for free. People often mention how expensive Pimsleur is, and this is true. But people rarely point out that you can often get it completely free from your library, throw it on an MP3 player, then return the CDs. That isn’t something you can do with any of the other top flight, expensive language courses. So check your local library! Donovan Nagel. Christopher, exactly what I was thinking, but you put it succinctly: thank you. Hi Nathan, thanks for this great review. I’m learning the Levantine Arabic dialect at the moment and have bought Units 1-5 of the Pimsleur Eastern Arabic method to supplement my weekly evening classes. As a female student the first thing I’ve noticed is that the student listening in the course is always assumed to be male. For a language where verbs, adjectives etc are different for females/males this seems like a problem. I’m trying to decide whether to buy the remaining Units and wondered if it becomes a bit less male-centric later in the course? They do seem to give you some feminine verbs etc (by using a woman as the opposite person in your conversations) but I expect a bit more than that in 2017…. Rebecca Ifland. So in a nutshell : Pimsleur yes for real beginner. No if you have just a lettle bit foundations in the target language. And definitely no because of the price. Bye. Mark Harvey. In Pimsleur’s defense most of the dialogues are stangers addressing each other so their use of polite forms is quite justifiable. I couldn’t tell that the accent was bad for the speakers, I assumed that it would be overly formal though, for Arabic. I still had major problems with it. Pimsleur follows a template, they want to cover a specific conversation, translated from English, within 30 minutes. Arabic has gendered second person pronouns, and the rest is heavily gendered as well, so since you’re doing a conversation between a man and a woman from lesson 2, there’s actually not enough time to go over everything, the vocabulary you need to learn has been effectively doubled. Japanese had some particularly long words that also created a difficulty spike, but they were just odd words, and I could just shrug and keep going if I didn’t say one right. With Arabic there wasn’t even the opportunity to practice the pronunciation of the words. I suspect Hebrew would be at least as bad (maybe they’d get good pronunciation at least). I also have a hunch Chinese works better than Japanese because most words are just two syllables, so you don’t get the difficulty spike from following the template. If you’re interested in how this works and knowing more about it, the best explanation I’ve come across is actually by the man himself in his own book. Regarding price…free at your public library. It’s up to you to do that. – Paul Pimsleur. Pimsleur is not just a learning tool – it’s a method. You’ll find other bogus domains that are just as bad, run by affiliate spammers (e.g. pimsleuraudio, pimsleurunlimited and so on). It’s one of the most powerful single methods in the learning toolbox. “Effective communication in any language depends on mastery of a relatively limited number of words and structures . Trying to learn too much at once substantially slows the process, and many people quickly become discouraged. Kevin. But Pimsleur is supposed to be an audio course – it kind of defeats the object to request a transcript! Pimsleur has been great for me when getting started with a new language. I have used several now: Spanish, Mandarin, Hindi, and Armenian. I received nice compliments from speakers in each language saying that my pronounciation was good. UPDATE : For a much more comprehensive audio course alternative to the Pimsleur series (and more affordable), I recommend the Rocket Language series. The dialogues and pronunciation are higher quality, a wider range of content and topics are covered in detail and all the audio is 100% downloadable (see my review here). The other thing is the way the pronunciation of words is presented. You can’t really learn to pronounce something properly by reading it. You need lots of listening and repeating. Great review, and I think you are spot on! Enjoy it while it lasts. It gets more boring again soon. Great review. One typo: “This post will deal [with] the core product and method of Pimsleur only.” Laurence. Pimsleur is my go to for learning a new language. If they don’t have the language I want, or it’s not good quality (like Arabic), I then look for something else. Fantastic tool but it’s WAY overpriced. Mamamia. As I’ve said before, it’s harder to learn 10% of 50 words than it is to learn 100% of 5 words. Kevin. One thing I would recommend if you do use Pimsleur is to make sure you’re not preoccupied with anything while you’re listening to it (e.g. commuting) since concentration is so important. After you make it through a level or two, I suggest adding other more specific sites for small talk ("colloquial") or specific topics like business or technology that you need. If you’re in the US or Australia you could put the money toward an actual trip to places like Latin America, Quebec, South-East Asia and so on (in the case of the $1,190 CD version you could probably buy a whole overseas trip). Elspeth. What about people who remember things better by seeing them? @figasfigas. It’s a purely audio-based method. Before buying from Amazon, check out the Pimsleur.com website. You can buy either CDs or MP3s. The MP3s are cheaper than the CDs and you can download them right away. Also, you have a choice of Latin American Spanish or Spanish as spoken in Spain and download lesson 1 for free. They usually have a discount code about once a month, so sign up for there email. I have heard bad things about the “Pimsleur Approach”, that it is some kind of subscription service and they won’t stop sending you CDs. Pimsleur courses deliberately limit the amount you learn at any one time, giving your brain a chance to internalize each new item before moving on. Once this foundation is built, adding new words and phrases becomes easy and natural because there’s a clear framework to attach them to.” One hour later, you see it again. Really helpful info there on the Vietnamese course. I’m sure that’ll benefit a lot of people. Just listening to Pimsleur Korean, Russian, Egyptian and Eastern Arabic, I noticed the excessively formal and polite language used in the dialogues (for example polite verb forms in Korean and plural вы pronoun in Russian). Thank you for great review and discussion. I wanted to add Pimsleur method is the closest there is to the way a child learns language: starts with one word and slowly builds “scaffolds” . Children BTW will pick up a new language in a couple of weeks. For me, I’ve tried to learn Spanish over and over (and must do it again). Pimsleur helped me jump from memorizing single words to being able to put them into sentences. Very empowering. I would say Pimsleur gives a foundation from which to begin to really learn the language-develop vocabulary, speed grammar, etc With P I was able to do quite well in college level Spanish classes I audited. Lastly, some people are more talented with languages than others (me, eg) I am learning Russian and the Tandem app’s voice messaging feature has helped bridge the gap with native speakers using live conversation. Other similar apps such as HelloTalk are also useful. Of course, you can practice for free live conversations with exchange partners from italki and other less popular websites. At least, native Russian-speakers are very helpful and accommodating. I would think, you can find comporable partners from other language communities. I can't compare with a whole lot of famous/well known methods (several of the ones you mentioned I haven't even heard of before) but here in the Netherlands the Colloquial series seems to be popular and in that case I would certainly recommend Pimsleur over Colloquial. Simon and Schuster (who own and distribute Pimsleur) use a trademark name calling it the Pimsleur Method™ (hence the trademark symbol). Studying for hours on end is detrimental and you can actually retain more by focusing on a smaller amount in a short time. Questions about whether or not Pimsleur works do tend to pop up all over the place and a simple online search yields a lot of review and opinion pieces on it. Since Pimsleur is entirely audio-based (except for a reading booklet which accounts for a small part of it), this poses the question of whether or not it’s suitable for someone who learns visually. Mike Holt. I keep a Spanish Pimsleur in my car CD at all times. When I feel like practicing I just turn it on for however many minutes. I had been trying to study Spanish at the University and the tutor in the lab could not understand me. I realize I have a slight hearing deficit so that in a class room, or even watching a movie, I don’t hear things correctly. First of all, the presenter gets you to imagine scenarios: Each Pimsleur lesson needs to be done more than once and reviewed later. I’m now redoing the Italian lessons in parallel with the French. This highlights the similarities and differences and helps me learn to switch between them without mixing them up. I think part of the problem with language education is that we’ve reduced foreign languages down to a list of rules on paper. We focus too much on the representation of what we hear when we should focus on what we hear first and worry about the representation later. A few hours go by and you forget it again. I've also gotten Pimsleur audio programs from the local library in the USA. As Jon said, it's already paid for by tax money. Language products like Pimsleur aren’t meant to be exhaustive sources of vocabulary. They exist to teach you the ‘framework’ of a language so that you can do the rest on your own. If I were to read those same lines – “Imagine an American man meeting an Irish woman…” – as words on paper or on screen, it might even distract me from visualizing it because I’d be focused more on the actual text I’m reading. Each time the word is shown, there’s a larger gap between the time it’s shown and the previous time you saw it. At first you forget the word almost immediately but gradually it becomes more and more familiar until you remember it with ease. That money could feed you and pay your accommodation for months in the Mid East and many parts of Asia to learn the local language. I must say that I think the way this is marketed is a bit disingenuous . The beautiful thing about this is that it never allows you to become a passive listener. The Most Honest Pimsleur Review You’ll Ever Read. “The native speakers speak the words backwards, one syllable at a time.” Good heavens, no. The technical term is back-chaining . Neither phonemes, syllables, words nor phrases are presented as backward strings at any time. Rather they are chained—starting from the final element—toward the end of the string, in progressive iterations: ‘-ing’ ‘-chaining’ ‘back-chaining’ Donovan Nagel. It’s a tool that I would definitely recommend, especially for new learners. Simon. No language product or course is going to teach you every bit of vocab that you want/need. Do you like my content? Support me by clicking one of these buttons: Very few reviews actually go into real depth to cover its content and effectiveness with fairness. A great review but I would give it one caveat – that is I’m guessing that you only listened to the Level One discs. You say that the language is artificial with excessive use of formal language structures – in the two courses which I have completed (German and Russian) Level One is entirely formal, Level Two largely informal, Level Three and beyond very mixed, and good, if basic, guides on when each should be used. My only complaint is that there was no Pimsleur course available when I started to learn Scots Gaelic! Very polite language. I agree Robert. I am ready to begin Pimsleur German 5. I noticed in the comments a lot of people mention pronunciation and vocabulary, but no one mentions grammar. Pimsleur also teaches grammar without teaching grammar. German has many forms of the word “the” which are hard to remember when to use them. After four levels of Pimsleur, I can remember which form of “the” to use without giving it much thought. Pimsleur also teaches word order, tenses and complex sentences. By the end, a person can make their own sentences. At this point, I have learned as much from Pimsleur as I would have in my college German class for 2 semesters. One of the biggest selling points of Pimsleur is that you only need 30 minutes a day to become proficient in a language. As someone who has learned many languages (and failed some), I can attest that this definitely not true. Bottom line for me is that if I am serious about learning a non Mid Eastern or Asian language, Pimsleur is a great base for my language learning and can easily be supplemented with Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, Rocket Languages, etc. etc., with the time saved by only spending 30 minutes a day on Pimsleur. Multiple methods would result in a few hours per day of exposure to the language, just as the doctor prescribed. I love Pimsleur Language Programs! I think they are the best to start learning a language, at least the speaking and listening parts. For writing and reading you need to find a different program. But, the hardest part of learning a language is speaking, and Pimsleur is awesome. I currently live in the USA where they have really good public libraries. When I have the money I invest in some reduced price Pimsleur programs or I just get them from the library. I have tried French, Italian, Portuguese, and Japanese. MAJOR UPDATE : Pimsleur have since created a subscription option that is incredibly affordable by comparison. See here for more info. John R. MASTERJOHN. I’m in Hebrew Level 1, Lesson 9! I can speak Hebrew like a Rabbi! Yay! Comments. Get approximately 50 personalized, one-on-one lessons with native speakers on italki. John Masterjohn. It should be 30 minutes of Pimsleur + many hours of language use. Kevin Bachman. I feel that this question has to be asked of all the big name products like RS, Michel Thomas and Assimil as well. I’m finding Paul Pimsleur’s insights into foreign language acquisition that are in the book quite helpful. Finally you remember the word. Now, I’m improving by speaking with a local friend from Brazil, and by taking online courses at Semantica-Portuguese. Now here’s where the Pimsleur Method™ is unique and in my opinion excellent : For example, instead of the $550 for levels 1 – 5 of Pimsleur’s French MP3’s, you could: Now that’s a really simplified way of demonstrating how SRS works but let’s look at what’s happening here. Let’s deal with the most important thing first. Also, I am wondering would you please share more info on those languages that are going extinct as I am great fan of learning new languages. Thanks and appreciate it, Shilpa. Anyway, thanks for this review. Buy a more middle-ranged, quality product like Rocket Languages. As you said, pimsleur is really worth for a FULL beginner in a language. I used it for languages (Brazilian and Japanese) since I didn't know at all those languages. It helped me a lot for prononciation, especially for Brazilian. I was listening 1 lesson at least 3 or 4 times in 1 or 2 days, sometimes more… So it took me about 6 – 8 months to finish the 3 levels of each language each level have 30 lessons). After that I started to work with Assimil (I'm french

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